Friday, February 20, 2009

MCSE Security certification & training

MCSE Security certification & training

Mcse security certification requirement:

Total 8 exams you should pass to get mcse 2003 security credential.
As recent updates, mcse security exams totally based on win 2003 server.. & those will be available till Microsoft producing & supporting update patches for win 2003 server.

There is no big difference between normal MCSE certification & mcse specialization. as it is mcse security on win server 2003. this certificates offers you mcse credit with specialization in security..

MCSE Security exams:

mcse security certification have 8 exams to pass..
all core exams on networking operating systems & client operating systems are same...
So, if you planned for mcse certification & u want security specialization in future you can upgrade it easily..

after all it is MCSE.. but with specialization title 'security'
It's security of Win server 2003 & its network.. so you must have core knowledge of win server 2003.

Core exams on networking system for mcse security certification:
(same as mcse 2003 )

Mcse security training exam 70-290: Win server 2003
Mcse security training exam 70-291: Implementing network infrastructure
Mcse security training exam 70-293: Planning network infrastructure
Mcse security training exam 70-294: Active Directory

One core client operating system exam for mcse security:

mcse security exam 70-620: win vista.
mcse security exam 70-270: win XP.

One security design exam for mcse security certification:

mcse security training exam 70-298: Designing security for win server 2003

All above exams required for mcse 2003 certification too,,

Two Security specialization exams:

Mcse security training exam 70-299: Implementing & Administrating security in win server 03.
Mcse security training exam 70-350: Internet security for ISA Server 2004
Mcse security training exam 70-351: Internet security for ISA Server 2006

choose exam 70-299 & newer exam 70-351

mcse security certification exam's study:

Need to study more n more security options, features & services available in win 2003 for its security purpose, basically in exams which are design for security..

Study of security features for win 2003 environment, -- from desktop level as users security, data security, encryption, etc

win 03 network security, -- as access to other computers, internet, security from internet.

security for win 03 server's different services, -- like this ISA server, different applications services, printer access etc..

MCSE Security certification training :

well for practise all the security option you will require more than 2 comp.
There are some Mcse security training self-placed training kits.. while buying these kits check the exam they have included.. select the latest exams for this mcse 2003 security.

Is this certification for me?

If you are working in any company & require certification for higher post.. Go for this exam.

If you are totally newbie for IT field then 1st get information about all the certification microsoft offers.. consider some new generation certifications too.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

MCSE Training Course

MICROSOFT Home» MCSE Home» MCSE Certification Training» MCSE Training Course

Which Mcse training course should i prefer?

Online MCSE training course, Self-practice Mcse training course kit, , Mcse Labs, Traditional MCSE Training course, Which is best for me?

Here are some points which can help you to decide the best Mcse course for yourself.

1. Traditional mcse training course: -

-It's common tuition classes, where you go personally & learn.

- advantage, -- they provide physical network of comps on which you can practice some fundas..

- you can asked quires & get solved your problems under trainer's guidance, immediately..

- better to join nearer but good local mcse training institute to save your time & physical stress..

- you will get company & support from some co-student with same goal..

- they will provide all other training material.. Like mcse training books, mcse study guides etc..

- they will do your exam's registration for you.. - depend on institute, if it's microsoft partner institute.. so you can give exams at that mcse training institute.

- where you can find local mcse training course : - in local classifieds in newspaper.

2. MCSE Labs :

- In local training institutes, you will get to practice on build labs of that institute..

- Or else you can build it at your home that will definitely need two or more computers.. well you can connect laptops, windows mobile etc. ( you know that microsoft conducts exams on win mobile O.S. too)

- well.. some online institutes provides online labs.. for your practice for mcse exams.
so that you won't need to spend extra money to build your home Lab if more resources are not available to you, for lab building. or no need to go at any traditional institutes to practice.

- these mcse Labs, you can access from your home through the medium of internet.

- these labs costs from $100 -$500 or more depending upon your mcse training course & exams

- where you can find it-- search in google

3. Online MCSE Training course or self practice training kit : -

- both are same in most cases..
- depend upon providers, as which different materials & training options they provide for mcse training course..

- some online mcse training course include training videos, study guides, there support for your queries, presentations, etc.

- some self practice mcse training course kit contain, study guides, Dumps, Practice exam softwares, Online help, presentation flowcharts, etc.

- Advantage, flexible training periods..

- you can decide your own time periods to get training from mcse training videos or mcse training books.

- but i won't recommend it if you tend to procrastinate... its require planing & dedication.

- Otherwise this is best option for those who have busy schedules..

- you can download it from net.

Whichever mcse training course you are taking, Do not depend so much upon training institutes or too much shortcuts..
Plan your study hrs,, revision,, exam practice..

in any case of mcse training course your self study is useful to channel you towards your goal of mcse certification.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MCSA 2003

Microsoft Home> MCSE Home> MCSA 2003

on Windows Server 2003

so you have decided now which certification you want to do.. Microsoft's new generation certifications or mcse.. & then MCSE or MCSA 2003

but here is quick review to decide to go for MCSA 2003 certification..

- if you love microsoft technologies.. & having no problem in giving as many exams as you want..
it's good to learning old technologies 1st..
& win 2003 will be used by companies till Microsoft stops supporting it.

- If you want quick & fast entry in IT industry.. do MCSA 2003 quick.. only 4 exams..
- there are much more experienced people who are mcse or mcsa 2003 for your guidance..
- It's always easy to upgrade to new technologies, after doing these mcsa 2003 certifications.
- compared to mcse, it only have 4 exams to pass..
2003 certification is sufficient to get entry in IT company & work on Microsoft systems.
then its easy to upgrade to any other certification.. like mcse or mcitp..

- for promotion purpose..
- Do not go for it if you have a while to join any company.. mean if you are student & doing any graduation course from university.. Go for new & latest certifications..

Mcsa 2003 exams:

Only four exams require to get Microsoft mcsa 2003 credential..
those exams are as follows:

Two core exams on networking systems.
One core exam on client operating system..
One elective exam.

Core networking exam for Mcsa 2003:

MCSA 2003 exam 70-290 : Win server 2003
MCSA 2003 exam 70-291 : 2003 network infrastructre

Core client exam for MCSA 2003 :

MCSA 2003 exam 70-620 : win vista
MCSA 2003 exam 70-270 : win xp

One elective exam for mcsa 2003 :

click here.. select any one of your interest..

MCSA 2003 Training :

Training for mcsa 2003 is easily available on the net.. & very easy certification for self study..

1st exam is 2003 server. the main O.S. .... study about all win 2003 server, desktop environment, its installation & its features etc..

2nd exam win server 2003's network.
study about 2003's network services, protocols, their installations etc.

One core client exam,
win XP or win vista...
choose the one you have more experience about
choose the other which you want to learn more..

One elective exam,,
choice is yours.. select the exam which you are interested to study... you can see every detail about elective exam for MCSA 2003 on Microsoft site..
select the one suggested by your training institute..
as mention in your self learning study material..

For today's date Mcsa 2003 is quick way to dash in to IT company..
of- course after that you can upgrade MCSA 2003 to MCSE or 2008 certifications !!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Microsoft exams

Microsoft exams home> Microsoft exams

Useful habits to pass Microsoft exams:-

Microsoft exams are not theory based exams.

Microsoft learning suggest you must have one year experience working on platforms, on which you have planned to take exams ..
you must have some practical knowledge..

well... in contrast,,
In companies, you won't get hold on those operating system until you have certification
some experience
any reference (for that post)

But lots of pals study & pass microsoft exams without industrial experience . I have passed microsoft exams & even you can pass these microsoft exams easily! if you are really interested in computer & network technologies..

Here are few habits which you can adopt too like Microsoft professionals, that useful to get done Microsoft exams certifications:

Experiments, practicals, installations:

Do every installation manually..

especially you are new to It field, (anybody who is concern to technologies won't afraid to do anything with comp... )
but if you are new to IT field & hesitate to do something unknown... experiment all the options & gain experience.
You do all games installations & all.. even this is same as to follow onscreen instructions..

In fact,
Microsoft exams based on these options, setting etc. So try each & every option you can..

you know..
you understand whats written on screen...
you can understand whats written message on screen..
we are not so dump that we can make serious problem to our hardware..

some software crashes we can handle them..
i mean.. we can troubleshoot them.. reinstall them..

that's what Microsoft professionals job 'to troubleshoot'...

Reading " Microsoft help" :

Any Microsoft's operating system's help menu is a treasures of knowledge..

If you have ever checked & read the Microsoft's help then you will know.. after all which exams you are giving about man!!! Microsoft Operating system's !!!

just go to help & search FDISK - you will get detail knowledge .. all hard disk types, different command options.. everything.. basic knowledge you need to know.. you will get it from there.. & even more than just basic knowledge..

when i was working in It firm I was addicted to read XP help .. & then somehow i connected to these microsoft exams.. I felt all these microsoft exams easy.. cause all stuff about operating systems require to learn for microsoft exams, i had already covered in reading Xp help menu..

Troubleshooting & computer maintenance:

Solve your & any body's PC problem..
not only software problem but hardware too.. search for help on net to solve those problems... after all you want to be Microsoft professionals.

It is useful in Industrial job but is it useful for microsoft exams ?

If you have seen Microsoft exams result report... in some old reports you will find microsoft's testing method on different different levels.. such as maintenance, troubleshooting, its services, features etc. on how much you know..

Do as directed:

whenever you read microsoft exams study guide or books.. Do as suggested.. Do whatever you are learning from the book.. practice all options mention in the book..

read all kinds of stuff.. & select which is the best for you... & revise it..

Do not compare yourself with anybody..

follow your own path...
Select training method which is best for you.. not what other select...
select exam which are in your interests.. not what other choose.

Plan your own path & stick to it..
read other people stories & know that even you can do it in your own way...

there are cheating ways that people use to pass exams..
but it's really not worth to loose your integrity & untrust yourself for these simple microsoft exams.. which you can easily passed with little effort & planning. Just do not waist chance to be proud of yourself by giving Microsoft exams yourself.....

Remember thousands of people pass Microsoft exams & become Microsoft certified, with some dedication & simple efforts.. there is no reason, that you can't pass microsoft exams.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

mcse 2003 training

Microsoft home>> mcse home>> mcse certification training> mcse 2003 training

Planning MCSE 2003 TRAINING :=>

while considering Mcse 2003 training,
1st fix the time period within you want complete your mcse 2003 & mcse 2003 certification goal..

Mcse exams, you can give at anytime throughout the year.. so this facility can make anyone procrastinate or postpond taking require steps for mcse certification..

so, Deciding when your going to have mcse exams or its exact dates will help you if you tend post pond the mcse 2003 training for any reason..

Divide that time for training, reading mcse 2003 books & 2003 exams practice... after accomplish revising.. you can fix or register your exams date schedule (if you wish to register exams few days before the exam)

While Mcse 2003 Training :

Practicing the installation of 2003 server on your own is 1st step in mcse training...
install it at your home too..
check all different services & their features, options, properties.

As mcse is networking exam, so, to practice networking you will definately need more than one node(computer) to practice in some scenarios. but try to see each options for once.. cause every mcse 2003 exams questions tests your practical knowledge...

If you review study guides you may see everything related to options, different settings etc.. .. so see & try to use possible options, settings on your Operating System.. So those will easily fix in your memory.. ( we remember easily what we do practically than theory.)

lab for practicing for mcse 2003 server training::

It's well n good if you are working in any IT firm or having training in any institute. you can practice all networking options there..

If you do self study,
who not have joined any institute nor working in IT firm, you might like to get copy of Microsoft Virtual PC handy to create virtual Lab..

* Mcse 2003 book reading:

If you are studying core exam book..
- its more easy to read & understand all aspects together...

See all core exams:

70-290:= 2003 server environment
70-291:= 2003 network infrastructure
70-293:= 2003 network planning
70-294:= 2003 Active Directory

Core client exams:
win xp & win vista... related to environment

core design exam:

70-297:=design 2003 active directory & design 2003 network infrastructure.
70-298:=design security for 2003 & its network..

So its easy & better to study all about 2003 server O.S altogether while mcse 2003 server training--

in order,
2003 » it's environment » its client O.S. » it's features » Including » Active Direcory » Ntwork Inrastucture » 2003 security

after learning each terms,
while revising you can revise differently for different exams.

Dumps are different for all different exams. so dumps can read in the exam's period.

but while mcse study training, your main goal is making clear all the concepts to you, about Win server 2003.
& those are 2003 environment, 2003 A.D., 2003 network infrastructure & it's security.

Revising Dumps for Mcse 2003 training:

All different exams have different questions sets..
read it twice for assurance to pass the exams.. if you have any doubt abt yourself. read it thrice..

i hardly had read about 50 questions of them before the exams. i think what must count is your knowledge.

Exam Practice for mcse 2003 exams:

practice exams good for knowing whether you can cover all the questions in stipulated time allotted for the exam.

do not worry if you are not choosing this training option for 2003 mcse.
this practice is more useful in exams like designing & stuff.. you know that !!!

So plan your mcse 2003 training in your own way depending on which exams you select for mcse 2003.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mcse training books

Microsoft Home» Mcse Home>> Mcse Certification Training» Mcse books» Mcse training books..

Training books for mcse mainly available in 2 formats..

1.traditional books (regular paper books) 2. electronic books

Traditional mcse training books:-

- you can carry it everywhere for reading.. that you know..
- ha.. ha... but those are too heavy to carry along with oneself..
- training books usually comes with ebook cds..
- better option for eye stress.. & when away from compu...


- Can carry with you on PDAs.. can read it on PC..
- Older version of that ebook can download free from free ebook sites..

Where can I buy training books for mcse?

As you are connected to net now,
then.. here are some places where you can buy it..

Traditional book or mcse training ebook.. all type of books you can order through net..

microsoft's learning / n e-learning site of MS

- test king

How much MCSE Training Books cost?

its always depend on brand of those companies which training books yo want to buy..

best place where you can compare the prices is amazon... click above link for discount..

Which are the best MCSE TRAINING BOOKS ?

I had used book written by allan carter..
2nd book i will recommend current one of the bestseller brand testking..

Microsoft learning provides books for its every exams... but best selling MCSE Training books are always other than Microsoft.. may be because they come with much more knowledge & tips..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mcse training

Microsoft Home> Mcse Home> MCSE Certification Training> Mcse training

How much time it take for mcse training :

mcse fast training.. mcse in 15 days..
Oh,, well that remind me our training period..

Our training Institute offer us full day crash course of 15 days... & i felt that it's too fast to learn as a newbies... so we took 2 months course instead.. that was 2 hrs a day.. & 5 days a week.. but it took much more time to finished the training at that time...

Net is full of quick crash courses for mcse training. If you check online courses conduct by Microsoft's learning website.. you will see most of courses with duration as.. 3 days... 15hrs.. etc.

In any mcse training course,
you will gain knowledge of that subject.. but those course is only half training...

Training must guide you till having mcse exams...
After taking training from institute it's your responsibility to lead you to reach towards your final goal.. that is mcse training...

So your preparation also comes under MCSE training.

As you know, only completing training course from reputed company is not enough..
Training from tutor is essential...
- for your practical knowledge
- for getting your queries solved
- but not compulsory required to all..

But other mcse training processes are important to pass the exam...

Tutor can't teach you each & every detail things about that subject.. you must gain all detail knowledge from guides & books.. then you need to revise what you have learnt so far.. & you should practice for test to get experience of exam before actually giving it..

So this mcse training period is totally depend upon you..

On how much time you can give to study to complete mcse training soon...

According to me..
the period of 2 months is more than enough for whole MCSE TRAINING..

You might have seem some MCSE boot camps gives Industrial training for six month to one year.. Some mcse schools conducts one year classes...

But within 2 months you can complete your mcse training & pass the exams..

Only if you are dedicated & willing to make this happened soon...

So think & plan your mcse training.

Reading study books & revising them need more time..
that's the main & important thing you need to complete 1st & fast..

Even it is better if you can manage reading mcse training book while having mcse training course.. that will benefit you more...

Mcse books

Home> Mcse Home> mcse certification training> MCSE Books

Training books for MCSE are essential part of the preparation for Mcse exams..
Mcse books are most important...

Is reading mcse books require to pass mcse exams:

- There are lots of options available for mcse training.. books.. Dumps... practice exams...
- There are lots of site promoting shortcuts for mcse exams... just reading notes... & dumps...

Well... i don't know if anyone can pass by just reading dumps..
Only by reading dumps how much knowledge you are going to acquire...
There are more than 500 questions in those dumps... how much question & answers you are going to remember..

According to me...
It's important to get detail knowledge of the O.S & it's related services for the exams...

- Even you can have coaching from well known institute...

But no one can feed you detail & depth knowledge of that subject...
You must get it from mcse books..

How the best MCSE BOOK should be?

- Of course .. it must cover all topic related to exams..

- The book contains all diagram & snapshots require to explain some points...

- Book must contain remembero' for main points.. exam tips..

- Ideal book must have summary of chapters, practical life or industrial scenarios to explain points.. question tests based on that chapter...

Buying mcse books :

- there are many training books available in the market..

basically 2 types...
traditional mcse books of paper...
& electronic books - ebooks.. which u can read on your PCs.. or PDAs..

traditional book contain CD of e-book...

Where i can get mcse books?

If you are having training from some reputed institute...Then they will provide best mcse books according to them...

Or else for self- study.. you can buy it from net...

mcse book i will recommend...

I had used book given by our institute... i found it sufficient for self- study...
you can select best books from list at amazon..
click her for discount..

for self practice you can use testking book which is well known...
visit website here..
mcse books here...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Microsoft Certification Exams Training

Microsoft Certification Exams Training


Mcse dumps contain some previously asked questions & patterns of Questions & Answers expected in Exams..

Some misunderstanding about Mcse dumps:

-examinee can pass all mcse exams only by reading dumps...

- - - well Microsoft learning always go on changing exams questions & even exam type to keep MCSE value.
- they found this loophole long ago before & improve on it day by day...
- besides they take care not to repeat same questions in single day... every examinee in institute get different question set..


don't think that without any knowledge only reading some mcse dumps you can pass exam & gain mcse certifications

Selecting Best Mcse Dumps:

- Best Mcse dumps always contain questions & their answers with explanation..
- You must use latest version of dumps
( not necessary if you study & revised study guides or books whole-heartily .)

When I'd use mcse dumps?:

- After completing your mcse training..
- After learning all things in study guides .. u should read dumps.

Where can I find mcse dumps?:

- if you are taking training in any institute... You must get all these stuff included in your study materials..
- If you are study for mcse on Ur own... then you can download dumps from net..

Mcse Dumps i will recommend..

I had used actual test & test king...

but i like Test-king ...

Its comes with detail explanation..

mcse dumps

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

MCSA MCSE Training

MCSA : Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
MCSE : Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.

Both required core knowledge of Microsoft windows server 2003..
For mcsa & mcse training, 1st know the exams required to acquire these certifications

For Mcse Training :

Core exams :
70-290, 70-291, 70-293, 70-294.

core client exams :
70-620 or 70-270

core design exam for mcse:
70-297 or 70-298

one elective exam for mcse:
70-298 or 70-297
you can select any different exam from the list mention on Microsoft site

For Mcsa Training :

2 core exams on networking:
- 70-290, 70-291

one client exam:
- 70-620 or 70-270

elective exam:
select anyone from here

after u have decided which course u want to do.. mcsa or mcse???

Decide your mcsa mcse training method.
whether to join any institute or study at home...
which is best option for mcsa mcse training join a course or self study...

Mcse certification training

mcse certification training options:

Basically, there are two ways to get trained for mcse certification...
those are ---

1st traditional way-
which is locating best mcse certification training institute nearby your place..

2nd way-
is having online training for mcse certifications or self training.

In traditional mcse certification training, you must consider following points:

- having proper tutor
- good books
-practice sessions
- notes & dumps
- exam practice tests

In online or self mcse certification training,
mainly there are two options available
- training trough video conference
-self training kit

whichever method you use; you must have done some practice of using Microsoft system before giving actual mcse exam..

mcse certification training materials:-

  • Study Guides:-
Detail guides on Microsoft systems & it's features..

  • Practice exams:-
Software program ... which you can install on your PC
which has setup that you can practice for exam in same environment as in real exam.

  • Dumps:-
Previously asked & expected question & answers for the preparation of exams.

  • exam notes:-
useful for one min revision before exams.

  • mcse certification training video:-
videos of explaining options & procedures.. It also can be some presentations..
lecture course from well known mcse certification training tutor..

MCSE exam training

Choosing right mcse exam training will ease you to having your certifications.

I found myself very unfortunate in having good mcse exam training.
I had enrolled in good training center though.

There is lots of Mcse exam training options are available.
But good certification training is hard to find..
Is that?... But why?

Too much selling & not enough telling!

But I found my way to complete my Microsoft certifications...
And Here I am...

To help you in finishing your mcse exam with proper training.

All The Best !!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mcse server 2003

how to study for mcse server 2003

mcse server 2003 track requires almost accurate knowledge of windows server 2003...

Still people go on finding lots of easy way to pass MCSE SERVER 2003..
like: give exams only by reading Dumps & notes.

But 'Microsoft learning' finding out different question types & exams pattern to ensure that certificate holder has genuine depth knowledge of Win server 2003.


It is important you must have experience in operating windows server 2003 before giving exams...

- you don't need to work in company for that, you can work on this at home or training institute.
- & it requires certification to work in company on win 2003 server itself, isn't it?


1st ....

Install win server 2003 on your PC.
Start practicing from this basic thing..
do it yourself.
& just don't sit in front of computer..
while installation process.
see every options regarding installation..

Read every option mentioned in the book & see those option on your PC.
more you see it more u will remember.
(easy way to pass mcse server 2003)

There are some scenarios in which ,,
you 'll need two PCs,, to practice..

If you are taking classes at institute then.. Obviously you can practice there..
If you are working you can try those options at your workplace..
you can ask your friend to help in this case...

But if you can't,,, don't worry.. there are other ideas to understand those options how to do it...
but doing everything practically is fun.

Lots of option you can completely practice at your home...
for example... 1st exam of MCSE server 2003...

70-290 Managing & Maintaining Microsoft Windows server 2003... you can practice for it at your home.. on your PC..

Can't you do different primary & logical drives practice on your own...
making users & groups...
checking different options available in properties...

practice,,, is the most easy way to pass mcse server 2003 exams..

After practicing,,

Next step is revising what u learn...
& if you have done practice properly then revising won't take lots of time...
you don't have take lots of efforts in remembering terms...

Next step is solving dumps practice for exams..
its important..

you can understand exam pattern
you get to know how much you have prepared for the exams..

which topics are ready..
& where u have to give extra attention in preparation for mcse server 2003