Saturday, October 18, 2008

MCSE Requirements

MCSE Requirements?

Umm what does that mean....

Yes I remember,

I had submitted only 2 identity proofs

& ummm

& yes that’s it & what else?...

YES and well now... no one can forget this...

$$$$$ for each exam...

i.e. Microsoft’s exam fees.

Other than that they ask me for nothing ...

not education qualifications...

not IT industry experience. & nothing,,,

just choose your exams & pass it :)

If you ask me... what require becoming MCSE?


This requirement word made me to think lots of points..

OK. Lets list what I required & sure enough.. you also will require to be an MCSE.

1. You must be an IT savvy.

2. You must like working with computer systems & networks.

3. You must like to learn new things or same things again & again.

4. You will need good training program.

5. Dedication, hard work.

Ok.. Now I am serious.

i will make practical list...

Requirements for mcse

  • Giving the exam.
  • Exam preparations.
  • Taking a proper training.
  • join any good training course (optional)
  • Selecting right MCSE track for you.

Hmmm now..

Point 1. Giving exams.

As I said earlier...

you have to submit 2 identity proofs at exam center.

As Promatric center have options to register any exams manually..

Well its obvious let the exam center (which u choose nearby) do these all for you.

It’s their job.

Well... on Microsoft’s site or some other sites you will find description how to register for exams...

if you are confused by that.

Forget!!! There is nothing to worry about it.

Test center will take care of that part.

Other thing you will require for exams than money is ''confidence & concentration''...

& that will be within you,

if you can answer is ‘yes’ for the question.. 'have you studied regularly?'

Point 2. Exam preparation:

Whether you are taking training in any institute or not;-

it’s preparation is depend upon


how you prepare.

You must read books.

As there are so many options for preparation... dumps, flash cards, video, audio books.

Well my experience is gain detail knowledge & understand every concept thoroughly.

Everybody was insisting me to read only Dumps... when I was preparing for my mcse certification. & was telling same questions repeat...

well but I started with books.

I took all notes.

Reread it for 3-4 times.

Dumps..- I used them just to get an idea about how the questions will be coming in the exams. Well I had very limited time though...

Use most possible ways for your preparation.

Best way is understand & practice all that you learn from trainer or books.

If you know the thing throughout, you won’t find any difficulty to answering anything about it.

Point 3 taking a proper training

Whatever you experience is memorized in your brain easily.

Technology is practical.

You must do everything practically to understand it clearly.

Like installations, networking, active directory options, policies.

I was very keen to do all these things practically..

& it was very amusing to me, while doing unwanted thing like studying.

Point 4. Join any good training institute.

Well it’s optional.

If you are working in IT industry, & daily handling servers. I can assure you taking training from any institute is not too necessary for you.

But before you invest money.


Do some research on that training institute..

More about trainer.

I am telling you this because I had really BAD experience.

Everything I had to learn from books rather than from trainer.

So I heartily wish this should not happen to anyone.

Point 5. Selecting right MCSE track for you

hmm... now this is interesting....

Lots of MCSE certified people out there.

So you have tough competition.

That’s why don’t go for common mcse exams.

Know which exams mcrosoft offers?

Which designation you are looking for?

Operating Systems Engineer?

Network Engineer?

Systems Analyst?

Network Analyst?

Technical Consultant?

Network designer?

More than that...

Choose what you like.

Just don’t do MCSE for money... OR on other’s opinion...

do if your heart says.

Point 6 know the MCSE exams:

Know which exams give you title of MCSE.

So here again we come to the point 1

that is exams....

hmm after all these mcse exams are your goal.

Well now I will stop circling to the same points


you find out what exams papers are available


which exams you can choose to have your mcse certifications...

in other words. MCSE requirements ;)

Requirements for MCSE 2000 (do not go for mcse 2000 cert. it will expire soon)

Requirements for MCSE 2003

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